Saturday, October 11, 2014

Life Update and Weight Loss Check In

As of yesterday, my first placement is over. I am SO sad to leave that classroom and that cooperating teacher, and I can't believe it was only 7 weeks. We had a surprise party for me at the end of the day which was truly a surprise, complete with a cake baked by one of the kids, brownies, cupcakes, candy, and a huge basket full of things to help me in my future classroom. Each kid brought in something, and I have never in my life been so proud to own 40 highlighters. Now it is time for a week of resetting and relaxing before starting a new school, in second grade,

(Excuse my student teaching prep mess and my crock pot serving as a stand, things got a little nuts with prep for the inventions unit for science)

I also missed my monthly weight check in on here because life got so nuts, but I did weigh myself, and was happy to see that overall, I have lost weight despite the emotional eating on some of my rougher days. I now weigh 308 pounds, which is pretty much on track for my ultimate 295 goal by the end of the year. I definitely need to reset my eating habits, as the more exhausted I got in my placement the fewer veggies and fruits I was eating.

Thankfully, this week of break will help. I have my final portfolio to work on, attempting to add half of the contents from my first placement, my video story of my experience so far for school, an apartment in dire need of cleaning, a fridge in need of some restocking, and some fun to be had along the way. I have a friend coming for the weekend to go to a fall festival and a concert, and we are likely going to camp for a night as well.

Life is pretty good, and while student teaching has been rough, I will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel throughout my next experience.

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