Saturday, September 13, 2014

Week 3 Student Teaching

Student teaching is going really well, but I am still floored by how long each week feels. I honestly can't believe I have only been here for three weeks, even though I know I met my co op a couple weeks earlier. This was my first full week and it was long and tiring, but my stamina is definitely improving. I have gotten into a good routine of getting to school around 7-7:15, earlier than my cooperating teacher, so I can make my own copies for my lessons and stuff before my teacher gets there, in case there are other things to be done and other obligations.

But this week, teaching Social Studies and Science, I have officially begun teaching enough that a lot of the time there isn't as much for her do do in the mornings anymore. This will be particularly true next week, as I am picking up Math as well. I am officially the teacher for over two hours of the day now, and the two hours of reading is the only "subject" I am missing. The rest of the time is their arts classes, recess, lunch, and enrichment has not yet begun so it is silent reading time.

Yesterday my teacher had to go watch another class in my grade because that teacher was called away, and I was able to do a tiny science lesson on my own. I really enjoyed it, and it went swimmingly. I felt really relaxed knowing that for that span of time, I was there to get the job done and wasn't being evaluated at all for that time. Well, I am sure I was, but the evaluation was how well I handled myself alone with the class. But the great part about having worked in daycare is that I am not that concerned with being left alone with 25 kids. And really, the only reason I wouldn't want my teacher to leave for the first lessons I teach of Math, or any new subject, is more out of fear that I would end up not doing a worksheet that needed to be done or something, based on the program they use. Otherwise, I am happy to be left alone.

In Social Studies and Science we had study guides we completed and went over, and took tests in each. Even with them on the same day, the test average for both was in the low 90s. Which for my kids, given that there are a few who are VERY low in reading, I am really proud of how well they did. There were only a handful of low grades, and it was usually higher level kids not reading directions. Particularly for the social studies test, as I did the teaching for the vast majority of that unit, I felt really confident that I succeeded in the task overall.

In Science, we studied for our test on leaf rubbings and leaves, and took it, and I slightly introduced the unit on Carbon Printing yesterday. I anticipate it will be great fun. I just hope I can manage as well with Math, given how much I hated math myself at that age.

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